Because this is once again a post without any nice pictres. Also I use this as only an update. Things are not working out well with the flat (read this as we are unable to contact our land lady) as you can see from the dates it has been far longer than anyone of us expected it to take.
I've been in a constant bad mood the past ... probably already weeks.
It's November so I should actually be writing away for Nanowrimo but until now I am hanging back ... I want to curse but I won't.
Today is the first day where I feel at least a bit energized again. Lyza and I will start looking for other apartment alternatives. I still have to do a birthday present for a friend of ours and wash some clothes for a flea market coming up on Saturday.
That plus the at least 2k words I need to write every day to finish on time will hopefully allow me to concentrate on different thing than a depression creeping up on me.
I have something I want to talk about in a future blog post so stay kind of tuned for that?
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
A new face for a kind of old kitchen
This is a kind of long promised post that I did not really manage to write. Anyways. So about ... two weeks ago Lyza and I went to Ikea with my mom and they are actually offering their fabric for cheaper for people with an Ikea family card so I just told my mom if she wanted I could sew her new cushions for our kitchen because I felt like it. Said and done we bought (maybe a bit too much) the fabric and I started sewing. It didn't even took that long and I l
I really like how they turned out and since I had enough fabric I also made a matching table runner! My apologies for badly light photos but our whole house is really dark and there is no way you can take good photos of our kitchen I believe ...
Onto the photos though!

How do you like it? I really like it actually. I was considering making a tutorial? They are quite easy to make and even more easy to wash that's why I made them like this. And I also considered to add fake buttons to it. If I do I will post an update but I think it would be really cute.
Okay everyone have a great day everyone.
I really like how they turned out and since I had enough fabric I also made a matching table runner! My apologies for badly light photos but our whole house is really dark and there is no way you can take good photos of our kitchen I believe ...
Onto the photos though!
How do you like it? I really like it actually. I was considering making a tutorial? They are quite easy to make and even more easy to wash that's why I made them like this. And I also considered to add fake buttons to it. If I do I will post an update but I think it would be really cute.
Okay everyone have a great day everyone.
Loose ends
I've been doing many things on impulse lately. Like really impulively.
Sometimes I find myself cleaning the house or sorthing through my clothes but usually my intrest dies somewhere right in the middle so I have no real progress to show. I snapped photos from our rooms to show them uncleaned and then cleaned but the cleaned part never happened.
Next to that I have been building up an unhealthy addiction to Lyza's new Ipad. But that is a whole different story but let me tell you I am a wonderful frog breeder.
There are no real news on our apartment yet, which scares me just the slightest bit but we will try to call our landlord today again.
Returning to the topic of loose ends. In my head I write at least three different blog posts a day but don't finish them. I keep lists filled with ideas for either this blog and Lyza's and my K-pop project but somehow I miss the vigor to go though with these plans.
So what I want to say, I think, is that my life is changing right at the moment and it did not finish by now so I can't really adjust. If I am honest I don't really know when I will be but maybe I will get closer to that goal once we moved or at least once we can start packing.
We have gotten offers of household things, furniture and lots of advice over the past weeks but without even being sure that everything with the apartment will work out okay it's also kind of in the air. I hate this waiting, really.
Because on one hand it gives me the opportunity to go at everything slowly but on the other it gives me too much time to worry about everything, especially money if we are honest.
All this worrying resolutes into my wanting to do something but if I do one thing I need to do something else and thus I just get pulled into the habit of abandoning things before finsihing them again. This is a bit hopeless but I try to break this circle over and over again.
On happier and maybe a bit more informative news I've been trying to start sewing. It's nothing big, only new pillow cases for the kitchen but it's a start and I still did not give up on the idea of producing something and selling it. I will keep you updated, hopefully, and I think I already found a real toppic and not me angsting for my next post. Isn't that exciting?
So please look forward to the next post most probably even with pictures again!
Ps. I think I finally get a hang of all this inspiration posting so I think you can look forward to a few posts about things that inspire me as well. Would you like that?
Over the past months many things changed but most of all I stopped really doing anything. My school ended three months ago and I got into roleplaying, once again, and it kind of took up my time.
Lyza went to Korea and if I am honest I more or less didn't do anything else than sitting in front of the pc and I did not even manage to update this place.
There is also the problem that I did not sew in quite a while but!, and this is why I am writing this whole post, things are changing. And hope fully I can document the change while it's happening for everyone interested.
This is actually just a quick heads up but it feels like a starting point to me. Maybe it's because tomorrow a new month will begin or maybe it's because yesterday we probably saw our new apartment. But yes it feels like something is starting.
As mentioned yes we are planning on moving into our own apartment. This is so exciting you can't even believe. We already kind of have a place but it needs rennovation before we move there fully but the person who is giving it for rent promised us to do exactly that within the next ... four weeks? and then she would call us again if we still wanted the apartment. We will be going there again in about two weeks, but guys this is the most exciting and sad thing at the same time. Really I've squealed so much and on the other hand I already cried twice. But as I am typing I realize this most probably needs a own post so I am aiming for that in the continuing week(s).
Another thing is that, as I mentiones, school is over and now I am stuck looking for a job. I kind of shyed away from going to search for one earlier so now I am under time pressure but really I think I needed time to realize everything. It's not the best excuse but the best I can offer. I've send out some applications, also some for the next year but that's still so far away and I need money actually ... now. I will at least send three more today, lets just hope I'll get accepted somewhere and we can continue to look for something better from that point, can't we?
But as I am talking about a regular job Lyza and I both really want to continue our Vlog project about Korea, we've been having it on hold since Lyza went to Korea, but I am energized. There is however much planning to do for this and video editing takes lots of time. I feel ready to accept this challenge though, especially with the perspective to earn a bit more money though something I love.
And another thing! I think everyone knows etsy and there is a german pendant to that where I really want to start selling self sewn bookcovers, and hopefully other things in the future, but to do that I really need to sew some things that can be sold first.
Last but not least my two rooms are in a constant 'mess mood' so if we want to move, even if it's only in four weeks I need to start throwing things out, sorting though them and at one point looking what we need for a new apartment.
Looking at this it sounds like quite a lot but right now ... I feel not the slightest bit scared (I am sure it will come back soon) but only happy and looking forward to my future.
I will try to document my failure or success with you and you are gladly invited to join me in my journy to ... adulthood?
ps. I really like this post!
Lyza went to Korea and if I am honest I more or less didn't do anything else than sitting in front of the pc and I did not even manage to update this place.
There is also the problem that I did not sew in quite a while but!, and this is why I am writing this whole post, things are changing. And hope fully I can document the change while it's happening for everyone interested.
This is actually just a quick heads up but it feels like a starting point to me. Maybe it's because tomorrow a new month will begin or maybe it's because yesterday we probably saw our new apartment. But yes it feels like something is starting.
As mentioned yes we are planning on moving into our own apartment. This is so exciting you can't even believe. We already kind of have a place but it needs rennovation before we move there fully but the person who is giving it for rent promised us to do exactly that within the next ... four weeks? and then she would call us again if we still wanted the apartment. We will be going there again in about two weeks, but guys this is the most exciting and sad thing at the same time. Really I've squealed so much and on the other hand I already cried twice. But as I am typing I realize this most probably needs a own post so I am aiming for that in the continuing week(s).
Another thing is that, as I mentiones, school is over and now I am stuck looking for a job. I kind of shyed away from going to search for one earlier so now I am under time pressure but really I think I needed time to realize everything. It's not the best excuse but the best I can offer. I've send out some applications, also some for the next year but that's still so far away and I need money actually ... now. I will at least send three more today, lets just hope I'll get accepted somewhere and we can continue to look for something better from that point, can't we?
But as I am talking about a regular job Lyza and I both really want to continue our Vlog project about Korea, we've been having it on hold since Lyza went to Korea, but I am energized. There is however much planning to do for this and video editing takes lots of time. I feel ready to accept this challenge though, especially with the perspective to earn a bit more money though something I love.
And another thing! I think everyone knows etsy and there is a german pendant to that where I really want to start selling self sewn bookcovers, and hopefully other things in the future, but to do that I really need to sew some things that can be sold first.
Last but not least my two rooms are in a constant 'mess mood' so if we want to move, even if it's only in four weeks I need to start throwing things out, sorting though them and at one point looking what we need for a new apartment.
Looking at this it sounds like quite a lot but right now ... I feel not the slightest bit scared (I am sure it will come back soon) but only happy and looking forward to my future.
I will try to document my failure or success with you and you are gladly invited to join me in my journy to ... adulthood?
ps. I really like this post!
I hope everyone had a nice past month
So I am finally back from my one month long hiatus. I am sorry but I also did enjoy the time. However as fun as free time is I really need to get a hang of everything again. And what would be better for something like that than posting the stuff I got for my birthday? I still have a lot of other photos flying around on my PC but I need to look through them, sort them, resize them and then I will be able to share them.
I've joined an RP on tumblr and one of the other players is dreaming to become a photographer and she more or less made me want to make a photo tumblr as well. I really think about that because I would like to have a place to put all my photos up and sometimes I get the feeling I post to many photos here. So I am really playing with the thought. If I make one I will tell you of course!
I also want to get back in the hang of sewing and try to work it into my schedule. Seriously I just realized how much I want to tell everyone! So Lyza and I got ourselves Just Dance 1 and 2 because we read everywhere that it's awesome for loosing weight and we did it before going to Hamburg and it was really good but after I came home again I got really sick, like really really I still am actually, so we had to push back further work out. But by the beginning of next week I am pretty sure we will pick it up again.
We also have another PACKED weekend in front of us but I really enjoy going out and doing stuff I have to say. Because I feel when I only spend time in front of the PC I miss something. I don't know.
Well that's it for now I think ... At least with block text. But I also came around and at least cropped the two pictures I took from my birthday presents. So I will just show them to you!
Yes I am finally the proud owner of my own dress form! I am so happy and she is so pretty in purple *3*

And here is a closeup of the other things. Let me list them for you.
.Skins Season 1-5 (OMG I so can't wait to watch these, did you watch Skins, and love it as much as I do? If you didn't watch it yet you def should!)
.A grey pullover from our second Gmarket order (I am really in love with that one as well because it's so comfy!)
.Beast Airline Concert DVD (ahh I think I whined about that one everywhere but here, I am still very very happy to own it but our DVD player has the wrong region code so we can only watch it on Lyza's laptop and that frustrates me highly)
.Sunny Hill's The Grasshoppers Album, F(x)'s Pinocchio Album and Block B's Narina Album (ahh I love all three of these so much I love the music and the design especially for the F(x) one because it has a THICK photobook!)
.Toys (namely a unicorn plush, a lalaloopsy which is so adorable with the little elephant, Lyza recently bought a boy to match her, I took photos of them as well heh, and the MLP turtle, you can't imagine how long I've been searching for it! You really can't because it was 5 years)
.Cosmetics (two pink brushes, two nail polishes, nail stickers and the set of three hand creams from the body shop)
.I also got a book with pre printed lists from my mom because I love lists and a really cute pen from Lyza :3
.With the dress form I got a gift certificate for a sewing magazine so I really need to sew again
.Lastly I got money
Okay that's it. I once again got so much! And am still really happy with everything :D
I will leave now to enjoy the day but I really look forward to post again some time soon with some more photos because they are piling on my pc and I think I will get myself a few usb-sticks to put stuff on from my pc to have it in one place and away from my desktop, see I am a desktop messie.
I've joined an RP on tumblr and one of the other players is dreaming to become a photographer and she more or less made me want to make a photo tumblr as well. I really think about that because I would like to have a place to put all my photos up and sometimes I get the feeling I post to many photos here. So I am really playing with the thought. If I make one I will tell you of course!
I also want to get back in the hang of sewing and try to work it into my schedule. Seriously I just realized how much I want to tell everyone! So Lyza and I got ourselves Just Dance 1 and 2 because we read everywhere that it's awesome for loosing weight and we did it before going to Hamburg and it was really good but after I came home again I got really sick, like really really I still am actually, so we had to push back further work out. But by the beginning of next week I am pretty sure we will pick it up again.
We also have another PACKED weekend in front of us but I really enjoy going out and doing stuff I have to say. Because I feel when I only spend time in front of the PC I miss something. I don't know.
Well that's it for now I think ... At least with block text. But I also came around and at least cropped the two pictures I took from my birthday presents. So I will just show them to you!
Yes I am finally the proud owner of my own dress form! I am so happy and she is so pretty in purple *3*
And here is a closeup of the other things. Let me list them for you.
.Skins Season 1-5 (OMG I so can't wait to watch these, did you watch Skins, and love it as much as I do? If you didn't watch it yet you def should!)
.A grey pullover from our second Gmarket order (I am really in love with that one as well because it's so comfy!)
.Beast Airline Concert DVD (ahh I think I whined about that one everywhere but here, I am still very very happy to own it but our DVD player has the wrong region code so we can only watch it on Lyza's laptop and that frustrates me highly)
.Sunny Hill's The Grasshoppers Album, F(x)'s Pinocchio Album and Block B's Narina Album (ahh I love all three of these so much I love the music and the design especially for the F(x) one because it has a THICK photobook!)
.Toys (namely a unicorn plush, a lalaloopsy which is so adorable with the little elephant, Lyza recently bought a boy to match her, I took photos of them as well heh, and the MLP turtle, you can't imagine how long I've been searching for it! You really can't because it was 5 years)
.Cosmetics (two pink brushes, two nail polishes, nail stickers and the set of three hand creams from the body shop)
.I also got a book with pre printed lists from my mom because I love lists and a really cute pen from Lyza :3
.With the dress form I got a gift certificate for a sewing magazine so I really need to sew again
.Lastly I got money
Okay that's it. I once again got so much! And am still really happy with everything :D
I will leave now to enjoy the day but I really look forward to post again some time soon with some more photos because they are piling on my pc and I think I will get myself a few usb-sticks to put stuff on from my pc to have it in one place and away from my desktop, see I am a desktop messie.
Hey everyone!
It's been a while, hasn't it?
But! I took tonns of pictures, our second Gmarket order arrived and Lyza just got here again from her visiting home and she brought a friend so my priority was kind of spend time with them but like I said I took pictures and once I get around cropping them I will upload them :D
This entry will be pretty short as well but I just wanted to give you a heads up.
Sooo why I'm actally writing at 8.30 am on a sunday morning is that -dugundugundugun- today is my birthday 8D
Hehe ... oh wow I'm really quite sleepy but anyways, yes my birthday so expect my next photo containing post to be about the presents I got, even though I think I might know most of the stuff I will get because it was in our Gmarket order :D
Okay I will now head under the shower and then finish cleaning the house to welcome my guests, and maybe, probably, also take another video for Meron Satang.
I hope you have a wonderful sunday as well, where ever you are, and just enjoy your free day!
It's been a while, hasn't it?
But! I took tonns of pictures, our second Gmarket order arrived and Lyza just got here again from her visiting home and she brought a friend so my priority was kind of spend time with them but like I said I took pictures and once I get around cropping them I will upload them :D
This entry will be pretty short as well but I just wanted to give you a heads up.
Sooo why I'm actally writing at 8.30 am on a sunday morning is that -dugundugundugun- today is my birthday 8D
Hehe ... oh wow I'm really quite sleepy but anyways, yes my birthday so expect my next photo containing post to be about the presents I got, even though I think I might know most of the stuff I will get because it was in our Gmarket order :D
Okay I will now head under the shower and then finish cleaning the house to welcome my guests, and maybe, probably, also take another video for Meron Satang.
I hope you have a wonderful sunday as well, where ever you are, and just enjoy your free day!
Nails, nails, nails
This is the post I think I mentioned before that I would like to make it. Now I am not a professional or even good naildesigner but anyways I snapped some photos and thought I could as well share them :3

I'm not even sure which polish I used on these but in the end I really liked how they came out even though I don't think this is really my color XD

I took two pictures of this one sadly they look quite similar and don't do this awesome polish any justice. Everyone says it's a dupe from Katy Perry's Not Like The Movies. If you want to look for it I got Catrice's Iron Maiden and am madly in love with it.

So finally my LuciDarling Violet Nailpolish, worn. Yes like I said it doesn't look that awesome in artificial light and I'm going to make sure to take a picture outside when I wear it again.

Ohh I like what I did there! This is the Sandgreen Etude Nailpolish, I'm sorry if it looks black :/ that's a tendency of dark green nailpolishes I find. Anyways I am still highly in love with it and what I love even more is the HEMA silver Nailpolish I'm wearing on my tips!

Yes some of these photos are already quite old so this is what I wore to the Music Bank Concert in Paris! This is once again the HEMA nailpolish as a base and one of the essence massive glitter polishes as a topper. Love this so much!

With and without flash and as you can see these are not my nails but Lyza's! She did these nails with these 'stickers' everyone is bringing out recently and which I'm really looking forward to try (there are some one Gmarket so I am considering these but huh) she said it was very easy to use the stickers and that it only feels like normal nailpolish. I have to say I am LOVING this.
Okay that's it for now. I'm looking forward to wear some new polishes and stuff but I mostly rely on just one color or anything :/ But let's see!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
PS. What are your favourite nailpolishes? Anything to recc to me?
I'm not even sure which polish I used on these but in the end I really liked how they came out even though I don't think this is really my color XD
I took two pictures of this one sadly they look quite similar and don't do this awesome polish any justice. Everyone says it's a dupe from Katy Perry's Not Like The Movies. If you want to look for it I got Catrice's Iron Maiden and am madly in love with it.
So finally my LuciDarling Violet Nailpolish, worn. Yes like I said it doesn't look that awesome in artificial light and I'm going to make sure to take a picture outside when I wear it again.
Ohh I like what I did there! This is the Sandgreen Etude Nailpolish, I'm sorry if it looks black :/ that's a tendency of dark green nailpolishes I find. Anyways I am still highly in love with it and what I love even more is the HEMA silver Nailpolish I'm wearing on my tips!
Yes some of these photos are already quite old so this is what I wore to the Music Bank Concert in Paris! This is once again the HEMA nailpolish as a base and one of the essence massive glitter polishes as a topper. Love this so much!
With and without flash and as you can see these are not my nails but Lyza's! She did these nails with these 'stickers' everyone is bringing out recently and which I'm really looking forward to try (there are some one Gmarket so I am considering these but huh) she said it was very easy to use the stickers and that it only feels like normal nailpolish. I have to say I am LOVING this.
Okay that's it for now. I'm looking forward to wear some new polishes and stuff but I mostly rely on just one color or anything :/ But let's see!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
PS. What are your favourite nailpolishes? Anything to recc to me?
Monthly Collection February
Okay the second of my month end photos :D I know this one is quite and really K-Pop biased but my month was filled with K-Pop that's why. So what do we see. In lieu of anything better to represent Music Bank at the beginning of this month you see our awesome Sistar fansigns that were shown twice! in the documentary about it :D
Next up you see Lyza's Sistar album marking that we now own all of Sistar's CDs, that we saw them live and they are awesome.
The book in the left upper corner is the last one missing to read for me from the newest set of the three investigators books :D
Under this are the CN Blue Socks from Jungshin and Jonghyun. We lovely call them eonni (older sister because of Jungshins hair being longer than Lyza's and no he's younger than me XD) and the childeater (because Jonghyun has this smile where he looks totally insane and as if he eats children for breakfast) also showing the band that has slowly without me really noticing slept it's way up in my bias list and their concert DVD was the highlight!
Continuing with the B.A.P Album representing my new favourite band, some really good music and our first Gmarket order(and the second as it was ordered the day before yesterday and Greta is getting the album as well).
In the middle you can see both new nailpolishes I bought this month and I love them both deeply!
The Etude Sleepingpack is also from Lyza but she allowed me to use it and I am looking forward to write a review about it (since you only find reviews to the geen one I think) once I used it for at least a month (I am at about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks).
That's all for today.
Weekends coming up as is my birthday. I am also contemplaiting making an a photo a month month starting tomorrow. Let's see how I feel about that tomorrow morning :D
Good night everyone!
My Gmarket Haul #1
Hey everyone! After posting the picture of our complete haul a while back I now finished the complete review. However I will not show you everything we got, since three people were involved in this order but just the things I got for myself. If you want to see what Greta and Lyza got for themselves you can either read it at this Blogpost or watch the video we took, but that shows only the things Lyza and I got. You may also be interested in the second video we recorded where we talk about ordering and recieving from Gmarket in general.
Okay so if you want to know how to order at Gmarket you will be able to find lots of How To's online, if not and you think I am the right person to ask, just do it. Or leave a comment under the video, through this it will reach me as fast as possible. Another thing that may come handy is being able to read Hangul/Korean Characters. You don't have to be fluent or something it will already help you to google Hangul Chart then you should be able to translate most of the things written on Gmarket, Google Trans helps as well, even I use it.
Last but not least: If you live in the European Nation and buy something from Korea which was also 'Made in Korea' you don't have to pay anything but 19% (even they want to tell you something else) at customs. That's because Korea is a preferance country.
Now our fist time ordering went really good. We placed two orders and combined shipping on the 30th&31th of January. It took some time to get the goods to Gmarket because two items were only being released on the 1&2nd the longest time however took a bag we wanted to cancel because the seller didn't ship it out until the 3rd. We contacted Gmarket but it still took some time for them to cancel the item.
So everything was brought to the airport on the 6th and arrived in my hometown on the 10th where it got stuck at customs still the 14th which was the day we finally were able to pick it up after some really stressful days with the local customs but we already talked about that everywhere else.
Yes I know all that talk for not even that many items but I hope you enjoy it anyways so let's start with the pictures :D

This is everything we got once again, I know you know the picture but this time it's bigger.

These are all the cosmetics we got, I however only got a set from Tony Moly and two nailpolishes from Etude.

These are the nailpolishes the violet one is called LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails Shimmering #2 Lavender Purple and the green one is Petite Darling Nails GR607 Sandgreen. I adore both of them highly and used them both already. I will post photos of them used in a while.

And this is the Tangerine Handcreme, Mini Lip Balm Berry and Mini Lip Tint Set. The handcreme smells heavenly and will be a good replacement once I finish my Bodyshop Almond one. The Berry Balm is really lovely as well and gives your lips a nice shimmer. I was really excited for the first tint I ever bought and am not dissapointed. It's really small but I think it will take a while until I use it up anyways.

Sationary we got :D

Lyza and I got some stickers. She bought herself two really cute packs of Anne Travel Stickers one for only Korea and it's regions and one for Europe. I got a set with three sheets from My little Friend. They are really cute and I can't wait to use some of them in my calender.

Greta got herself these really cute Notebooks and I decided to go along and got myself the dark green one (matching to the nailpolish from Etude I bought :3) It's kind of small but has 208 Pages! I'm really looking forward to use it soon!
Now we come to the reason we ordered in first place I think! Kpop!

This picture is missing the heap of socks Lyza and I ordered but I'm going to show them to you later :D

B.A.P is a band who just recently debuted but we are already crazily in love with them so of couse we had to get it right when it came out :3 We also got the posters with this Album but forgot to take pictures of them. I will also contribute it when I post longer reviews about certain items. However these boys are a must hear. Next to their title song Warrior there is a song called Unbreakable on their album. Do me a favour and listen to it once!

I just realized I got quite a big bunch of Kpop Albums :D I already own the first album from B1A4 and I have to say, Music wise, I like it better than this album. But! This one comes with a 100 page photobook which is really pretty and was the sole reason why I bought it to be honest.

Infinite's First Invasion is the last album that was missing from a whole collection of Infinite (minus the Japanese singles because these are so freaking expensive D:). This album has both She's Back and Dashi Dorawa on it and is really cute to look at to see how much the boys have grown since their debut.

Okay I went a bit crazy and got myself T-Ara's John Travolta Wannabe and Funky Town Albums. They were really cheap and I enjoyed both songs Roly Poly and Lovey Dovey so much that I saw a reason to get them. Even though this buy was really impulsiv I find myself enjoying these two albums nearly the most. FT has photos from the girls taken so that they look as if they are a bunch, of really good styled, girls out having fun at a club and as if they are really good friends. JTW is even more awesome because the photos are taken to look as if they are from a while back with the girls wearing longer skirts and stuff I really really love this album!

This is a picture from all the CDs we got again but I really liked how it turned out so I'm going to show you.

Lastly Lyza and I got a bunch of Kpop socks :D We really enjoy wearing couple socks XD One of our fave pairs we have is eonni/the childreneater try guessing who we are talking about! Just to clear up if you don't recognize someone: CN Blue (twice top left and bottom right) Jonghoon from FT Island and Jang Geunsuk as well as Shinee.
Okay that was my haul for our first Gmarket order. I don't really want to say but I think I have to: we are already planning our second order but that's just because my birthday is in March and I decided I wanted to get some things from Gmarket. This time the whole order will be smaller though (but more stuff for me anyways I think XD) So stay tuned for that as well!
PS. If you have any questions, like links to where I bought something, more detailed reviews, anything, like I said write me here or just comment on one of Meron Satang's videos or our offical facebook page.
Okay so if you want to know how to order at Gmarket you will be able to find lots of How To's online, if not and you think I am the right person to ask, just do it. Or leave a comment under the video, through this it will reach me as fast as possible. Another thing that may come handy is being able to read Hangul/Korean Characters. You don't have to be fluent or something it will already help you to google Hangul Chart then you should be able to translate most of the things written on Gmarket, Google Trans helps as well, even I use it.
Last but not least: If you live in the European Nation and buy something from Korea which was also 'Made in Korea' you don't have to pay anything but 19% (even they want to tell you something else) at customs. That's because Korea is a preferance country.
Now our fist time ordering went really good. We placed two orders and combined shipping on the 30th&31th of January. It took some time to get the goods to Gmarket because two items were only being released on the 1&2nd the longest time however took a bag we wanted to cancel because the seller didn't ship it out until the 3rd. We contacted Gmarket but it still took some time for them to cancel the item.
So everything was brought to the airport on the 6th and arrived in my hometown on the 10th where it got stuck at customs still the 14th which was the day we finally were able to pick it up after some really stressful days with the local customs but we already talked about that everywhere else.
Yes I know all that talk for not even that many items but I hope you enjoy it anyways so let's start with the pictures :D
This is everything we got once again, I know you know the picture but this time it's bigger.
These are all the cosmetics we got, I however only got a set from Tony Moly and two nailpolishes from Etude.
These are the nailpolishes the violet one is called LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails Shimmering #2 Lavender Purple and the green one is Petite Darling Nails GR607 Sandgreen. I adore both of them highly and used them both already. I will post photos of them used in a while.
And this is the Tangerine Handcreme, Mini Lip Balm Berry and Mini Lip Tint Set. The handcreme smells heavenly and will be a good replacement once I finish my Bodyshop Almond one. The Berry Balm is really lovely as well and gives your lips a nice shimmer. I was really excited for the first tint I ever bought and am not dissapointed. It's really small but I think it will take a while until I use it up anyways.
Sationary we got :D
Lyza and I got some stickers. She bought herself two really cute packs of Anne Travel Stickers one for only Korea and it's regions and one for Europe. I got a set with three sheets from My little Friend. They are really cute and I can't wait to use some of them in my calender.
Greta got herself these really cute Notebooks and I decided to go along and got myself the dark green one (matching to the nailpolish from Etude I bought :3) It's kind of small but has 208 Pages! I'm really looking forward to use it soon!
Now we come to the reason we ordered in first place I think! Kpop!
This picture is missing the heap of socks Lyza and I ordered but I'm going to show them to you later :D
B.A.P is a band who just recently debuted but we are already crazily in love with them so of couse we had to get it right when it came out :3 We also got the posters with this Album but forgot to take pictures of them. I will also contribute it when I post longer reviews about certain items. However these boys are a must hear. Next to their title song Warrior there is a song called Unbreakable on their album. Do me a favour and listen to it once!
I just realized I got quite a big bunch of Kpop Albums :D I already own the first album from B1A4 and I have to say, Music wise, I like it better than this album. But! This one comes with a 100 page photobook which is really pretty and was the sole reason why I bought it to be honest.
Infinite's First Invasion is the last album that was missing from a whole collection of Infinite (minus the Japanese singles because these are so freaking expensive D:). This album has both She's Back and Dashi Dorawa on it and is really cute to look at to see how much the boys have grown since their debut.
Okay I went a bit crazy and got myself T-Ara's John Travolta Wannabe and Funky Town Albums. They were really cheap and I enjoyed both songs Roly Poly and Lovey Dovey so much that I saw a reason to get them. Even though this buy was really impulsiv I find myself enjoying these two albums nearly the most. FT has photos from the girls taken so that they look as if they are a bunch, of really good styled, girls out having fun at a club and as if they are really good friends. JTW is even more awesome because the photos are taken to look as if they are from a while back with the girls wearing longer skirts and stuff I really really love this album!
This is a picture from all the CDs we got again but I really liked how it turned out so I'm going to show you.
Lastly Lyza and I got a bunch of Kpop socks :D We really enjoy wearing couple socks XD One of our fave pairs we have is eonni/the childreneater try guessing who we are talking about! Just to clear up if you don't recognize someone: CN Blue (twice top left and bottom right) Jonghoon from FT Island and Jang Geunsuk as well as Shinee.
Okay that was my haul for our first Gmarket order. I don't really want to say but I think I have to: we are already planning our second order but that's just because my birthday is in March and I decided I wanted to get some things from Gmarket. This time the whole order will be smaller though (but more stuff for me anyways I think XD) So stay tuned for that as well!
PS. If you have any questions, like links to where I bought something, more detailed reviews, anything, like I said write me here or just comment on one of Meron Satang's videos or our offical facebook page.
Paris Part 1, The Around Stuff
Oh my guys! I just realized the last post was my 5oth! Let's celebrate! Anyways today I bring you the first of two Paris Posts. I already posted this post on the official Meron Satang blog post but I'm pretty sure nearly no one is following that and I really need to update this blog so you will get it here :D Have fun and please leave a comment if you like what you see / have any questions or anything else!
So this is the first of two Blogposts about our time in Paris and the Music Bank concert. :D This one is probably the more boring part for most of you, but we took some nice pictures and wanted to share them anyways.
Before I start rambling: We already went to Paris about a year ago to see the SM Town concert. If you want to check out the Posts we made about that please click on these links. [Maren Paris Everything Else] [Maren's Concert Post] [Lyza Paris Everything Else] [Lyza's Concert Post]
Okay that said I will start talking about everything surrounding the concert :3 (so yes this means I won't talk about the concert in this post) However, let's begin:
We started our journey to Paris on Tuesday the 7th of Febuary before taking the bus at around 10pm we had the splendid idea that we, at least, needed Sistar Fansigns. Said and done, one hour before we took the train to Dusseldorf we started cutting out neon paper and gluing everything together. But it was worth it because first of all the girls actually noticed our signs and waved at us and second we were actually recorded and you are able to see our fansigns twice in the official Music Bank in Paris video that aired on the 18th.
Anyways we took the bus at 10 and for me it was just sleeping through until we nearly arrived in Paris at 6 am. We bought tickets to get to the station Bercy but nothing was really open. We finally figured out that McDonalds would open at 7.30 so we went to the nearest and had a nice cup of cappuccino.

We also needed to freshen up and change clothes. But we did not have an own hotel room for the night, we slept in the room of a really nice friend but she only arrived when we were already waiting in line. In the end we just used the McDonalds Toilet to do the necessaries. Here a picture of the table we hogged (you can also see our fansigns on this one! As well as us using the free wifi :D)

After that we went to the Kpop stores, we also recorded a video how to get there which will be up sooner or later, we went there more than once but here is the complete list of what we got. Three Sistar Albums: The first with Push Push, third with How Dare You and the fourth and newest with So Cool. A CN Blue Bracelet for Lyza as well as a CN Blue Clearfile for her. Three posters: Infinite's Sunggyu, Infinite's Dongwoo (both Photos from the Paradise Repackage) and one with CN Blue. One Infinite Handy Chain.

Around 1pm we decided to bring our big backpack to the hotel because we heard that you could put it in the storage room as long as you knew the person who rented the room you're staying in's name is. We did that without any problem and then just wanted to check out the queue but I will write about this in the other Post I'm about to make :D
Soo we met up with Nadine, the friend with the hotel room, after the concert and went to get a snack at the only open cafe around 12pm and then, after some fangirl talk, went to bed.
We got up early again the next morning because we wanted to go to the Kpop store again with Nadine and since we expected everyone to go there one day after the concert we decided to go there as early as possible. We arrived there and looked through the two stores again before deciding to get a Bubble Tea. The interior was really really pretty *3*

After that we grabbed some Macarons from McDonalds (yes in the French McCafe they actually sell really nice Macarons! I would kill to have some here right now D:) and then went to the hotel where Lyza and I checked in into our own room we had booked for that night. Nadine wanted to go and pick up her boyfriend who was just arriving at the train station and we decided to go looking for the Baby the Stars Shine Bright shop :D After some walking around cluelessly we actually found it. Guys it's so perfect D:

After that we met up with the two again and went to a Korean Restaurant we looked for online. The name of the restaurant is Shin Jung and if you're in France and want to go eat Korean you should give them a try the foot was really really delish! I can't seem to find their Online Page though :/


Lyza ordered Bulgogi which was so tasty!

And I get myself Bibimbap

Normally there is at least one thing from the Banchan that I'm not really fond of but all of these were delicious as hell!
After that we did the romantic over kill and went to the Eiffel Tower! I've never been there before but it was really nice to go there once :D

That was really nice the only problem was (not only for that evening but the whole time) were the temperatures being below 0°C. It's really not nice, neither waiting six hours in the cold nor being on the Eiffel Tower.
We got up the next morning at 5.30 to get our train at 8 am (I still don't know what made us book a train this early but we managed it). The three-four hour train ride was okay but the aircon was broken thus creating only cold air which was really uncomfortable :/ But it was okay and we got home safely.
Just because they don't seem to fit anywhere else: This is a collection from cool 'graffities' around Paris that I needed to take a photo of ~

That's it for the around stuff I hope you enjoyed this even though it's not really about Kpop :D. We also made a video concerning all this which you can watch here:
PS. I hope the next part of this will be up soon but I still have the Gmarket Review in Queue and I think I'll try getting this up today plus the two videos we took for it so Part 2 about the concert may take another while. But yay!
So this is the first of two Blogposts about our time in Paris and the Music Bank concert. :D This one is probably the more boring part for most of you, but we took some nice pictures and wanted to share them anyways.
Before I start rambling: We already went to Paris about a year ago to see the SM Town concert. If you want to check out the Posts we made about that please click on these links. [Maren Paris Everything Else] [Maren's Concert Post] [Lyza Paris Everything Else] [Lyza's Concert Post]
Okay that said I will start talking about everything surrounding the concert :3 (so yes this means I won't talk about the concert in this post) However, let's begin:
We started our journey to Paris on Tuesday the 7th of Febuary before taking the bus at around 10pm we had the splendid idea that we, at least, needed Sistar Fansigns. Said and done, one hour before we took the train to Dusseldorf we started cutting out neon paper and gluing everything together. But it was worth it because first of all the girls actually noticed our signs and waved at us and second we were actually recorded and you are able to see our fansigns twice in the official Music Bank in Paris video that aired on the 18th.
Anyways we took the bus at 10 and for me it was just sleeping through until we nearly arrived in Paris at 6 am. We bought tickets to get to the station Bercy but nothing was really open. We finally figured out that McDonalds would open at 7.30 so we went to the nearest and had a nice cup of cappuccino.
We also needed to freshen up and change clothes. But we did not have an own hotel room for the night, we slept in the room of a really nice friend but she only arrived when we were already waiting in line. In the end we just used the McDonalds Toilet to do the necessaries. Here a picture of the table we hogged (you can also see our fansigns on this one! As well as us using the free wifi :D)
After that we went to the Kpop stores, we also recorded a video how to get there which will be up sooner or later, we went there more than once but here is the complete list of what we got. Three Sistar Albums: The first with Push Push, third with How Dare You and the fourth and newest with So Cool. A CN Blue Bracelet for Lyza as well as a CN Blue Clearfile for her. Three posters: Infinite's Sunggyu, Infinite's Dongwoo (both Photos from the Paradise Repackage) and one with CN Blue. One Infinite Handy Chain.
Around 1pm we decided to bring our big backpack to the hotel because we heard that you could put it in the storage room as long as you knew the person who rented the room you're staying in's name is. We did that without any problem and then just wanted to check out the queue but I will write about this in the other Post I'm about to make :D
Soo we met up with Nadine, the friend with the hotel room, after the concert and went to get a snack at the only open cafe around 12pm and then, after some fangirl talk, went to bed.
We got up early again the next morning because we wanted to go to the Kpop store again with Nadine and since we expected everyone to go there one day after the concert we decided to go there as early as possible. We arrived there and looked through the two stores again before deciding to get a Bubble Tea. The interior was really really pretty *3*
After that we grabbed some Macarons from McDonalds (yes in the French McCafe they actually sell really nice Macarons! I would kill to have some here right now D:) and then went to the hotel where Lyza and I checked in into our own room we had booked for that night. Nadine wanted to go and pick up her boyfriend who was just arriving at the train station and we decided to go looking for the Baby the Stars Shine Bright shop :D After some walking around cluelessly we actually found it. Guys it's so perfect D:
After that we met up with the two again and went to a Korean Restaurant we looked for online. The name of the restaurant is Shin Jung and if you're in France and want to go eat Korean you should give them a try the foot was really really delish! I can't seem to find their Online Page though :/
Lyza ordered Bulgogi which was so tasty!
And I get myself Bibimbap
Normally there is at least one thing from the Banchan that I'm not really fond of but all of these were delicious as hell!
After that we did the romantic over kill and went to the Eiffel Tower! I've never been there before but it was really nice to go there once :D
That was really nice the only problem was (not only for that evening but the whole time) were the temperatures being below 0°C. It's really not nice, neither waiting six hours in the cold nor being on the Eiffel Tower.
We got up the next morning at 5.30 to get our train at 8 am (I still don't know what made us book a train this early but we managed it). The three-four hour train ride was okay but the aircon was broken thus creating only cold air which was really uncomfortable :/ But it was okay and we got home safely.
Just because they don't seem to fit anywhere else: This is a collection from cool 'graffities' around Paris that I needed to take a photo of ~
That's it for the around stuff I hope you enjoyed this even though it's not really about Kpop :D. We also made a video concerning all this which you can watch here:
PS. I hope the next part of this will be up soon but I still have the Gmarket Review in Queue and I think I'll try getting this up today plus the two videos we took for it so Part 2 about the concert may take another while. But yay!
Our GMarket Stuff Arrived!
Okay this is just a short update :D But finally after sitting about one week at the customs we were able to pick up our GMarket Order :3 I will make a bigger post for all this (and Music Bank as well) when I find the time, not sure when this will be though.
Anyways here is a preview picture of all the stuff we got (sadly half of it isn't for me or Lyza D:)
Bonjour Paris ~ Annyeong Hanguk!
Just a short notice that Lyza and I will be gone for the next four days starting tomorrow evening. Where are we heading you ask yourself? To Music Bank in Paris :3

Oh yes I am so excited already :D However before we can take the bus tomorrow we still have so much to do Q-Q One thing was post another blog post and here it is :3
Since my mind is pretty much occupied with the upcoming concert I will just talk about this :D. So who is coming?
Sistar - The main reason why I'm actually going there :D I'm soooo looking forward to see their gorgeousness on stage *3* I love them so much and seriously Soyu is such a wonderful woman, they all are biuhdiusd so happy! My fave Video of them. Once again it's hard to choose I love all of them.
U-Kiss - Mh ... Ukiss. I was really fond of them at one point and well then they added Hoon and AJ and I really don't dislike them but I'm just indifferent about them. And their Fans are starting to go on my nerves. My fave Video of them.
T-Ara - Ahh my love for them is growing steadily! So much! They have such fun choreographies and their songs just make me happy maybe their music is not the deepest but I enjoy it and sometimes that's more important for me. My fave Video of them. But actually you should watch all their other videos as well.
Shinee - Already saw them live but enjoyed it :D (especially Taemin hrr) I am really looking forward to see if they changed, grew more confidednt to act with their audiece since last time. My fave Video of them.
4Minute - Saw them as well and am really looking forward to it! I mean after their concert I was so hyped about them because I enjoied them so much on stage and they were really cute and passionate! My fave Video of them.
B2st - They are still one of my favourite boygroups out there and they are the only band I own all CDs from so of course I'm really looking forward to see them again maybe they will communicate with their audience more this time, I would really like that because that was the only thing that miffed me a bit :/ My fave Video of them.
SNSD - Ah gorgeous gorgeous SNSD girls. I'm not really their fan but I love Sunny, Hyeoyeon and Seohyun so I'm really happy to see them and I mean most of their outfits are HOT. My fave Video of them.
2PM - A few years ago I wouldn't even have dreamed of seeing them live, outside of asia but here they are coming to our neighbour country. I have to confess that I kind of forgot about them since their songs started to get slower/more drepressive beause I really don't like that kind of music but with Hands Up they were totally back on my radar. Even though I think Electricity is an even hotter song and I could listen to it all day :3 My fave Video of them.
So that's what I have planned for the rest of my week :D What about yours? Am I going to see anyone at the concert? Of course I will take pictures and make a post about the concert afterwards but I think that will take atleast until mid next week. We will also make a video for Meron Satang which I'm going to link here once it's cut and up :3 I'm really enjoying this whole vlog thing!
That's it for today Lyza demands we get started on all the other things on our to do list (Oh one more thing! Do you know Listography? It's awesome I found it a week ago and already have a gazillion of lists, I'm a list person I just can't help it. Here is my account if you want to be creepy and stalk me XD)
Oh yes I am so excited already :D However before we can take the bus tomorrow we still have so much to do Q-Q One thing was post another blog post and here it is :3
Since my mind is pretty much occupied with the upcoming concert I will just talk about this :D. So who is coming?
Sistar - The main reason why I'm actually going there :D I'm soooo looking forward to see their gorgeousness on stage *3* I love them so much and seriously Soyu is such a wonderful woman, they all are biuhdiusd so happy! My fave Video of them. Once again it's hard to choose I love all of them.
U-Kiss - Mh ... Ukiss. I was really fond of them at one point and well then they added Hoon and AJ and I really don't dislike them but I'm just indifferent about them. And their Fans are starting to go on my nerves. My fave Video of them.
T-Ara - Ahh my love for them is growing steadily! So much! They have such fun choreographies and their songs just make me happy maybe their music is not the deepest but I enjoy it and sometimes that's more important for me. My fave Video of them. But actually you should watch all their other videos as well.
Shinee - Already saw them live but enjoyed it :D (especially Taemin hrr) I am really looking forward to see if they changed, grew more confidednt to act with their audiece since last time. My fave Video of them.
4Minute - Saw them as well and am really looking forward to it! I mean after their concert I was so hyped about them because I enjoied them so much on stage and they were really cute and passionate! My fave Video of them.
B2st - They are still one of my favourite boygroups out there and they are the only band I own all CDs from so of course I'm really looking forward to see them again maybe they will communicate with their audience more this time, I would really like that because that was the only thing that miffed me a bit :/ My fave Video of them.
SNSD - Ah gorgeous gorgeous SNSD girls. I'm not really their fan but I love Sunny, Hyeoyeon and Seohyun so I'm really happy to see them and I mean most of their outfits are HOT. My fave Video of them.
2PM - A few years ago I wouldn't even have dreamed of seeing them live, outside of asia but here they are coming to our neighbour country. I have to confess that I kind of forgot about them since their songs started to get slower/more drepressive beause I really don't like that kind of music but with Hands Up they were totally back on my radar. Even though I think Electricity is an even hotter song and I could listen to it all day :3 My fave Video of them.
So that's what I have planned for the rest of my week :D What about yours? Am I going to see anyone at the concert? Of course I will take pictures and make a post about the concert afterwards but I think that will take atleast until mid next week. We will also make a video for Meron Satang which I'm going to link here once it's cut and up :3 I'm really enjoying this whole vlog thing!
That's it for today Lyza demands we get started on all the other things on our to do list (Oh one more thing! Do you know Listography? It's awesome I found it a week ago and already have a gazillion of lists, I'm a list person I just can't help it. Here is my account if you want to be creepy and stalk me XD)
Last Post Of January
Well this is my last January post and about a week ago I remembered this photo I took quite some time ago, I will look for it later and post it. However the important thing is I took this picture with all the stuff that was important to me at this time and I decided to do this again as a conclusion for my months of this year.
Of course it will not show everything like expierences or my love or anything but some physical things and I will tell you about my emotions bound to it :D Okay this sounds kind of outer space but anyways! Here is the picture!

Starting from the top left. Doctor Who DVD Box containing Series 1-4 of the newer episodes. This serously is a good thing to show for January because we (aka my family, Lyza and I) managed to watch the first three series until today. Gosh. You know I knew this show exsisted and everything but I never thought I would get this hooked this fast! I watched Torchwood before and I mean how can you not love Captain Jack Harkness okay? Yes anyways I LOVE IT we all do and oh god I could talk about it all the time :D
My new Dockers shoes! I feel so hipster when I wear them but you know I've been eyeing them since uhm ... Block B wore them lol. Anyways I found them for a reasonable price and I've been really happy with them so far cause they are really warm as well!
Cute korean food with red bean paste. I LOVE RED BEAN PASTE. Lyza hates it but I really really like it *3*
Lyza's camera so it's not exactly mine but her camera is my camera XD Since we finally started our project at the end of January this has been really important to me as well as learning to cut videos so they look at least okay :D I'm still learning but I'm having fun!
My 2011 scrapbook now 2012 scrapbook :D I already watched 13 movies so far this year and I'm trying to do the 100 movies and 20 books challenge this year again, maybe I will post about my scrapbook in an extra post.
My new Calendar from Cookie Shop! The girl from Cookie Shop is by far my favourite character next to Anne with the red hair and my litte friend :3 cute Korean stationairy is just to die for and yes this calendar makes me really really happy even though I'm a lazy person I try to use it as much as possible. Do some of you also have the problem that they hog cute stickers but never use them because of the fear that you will miss them once you put them onto something?
Throne of fire, second book of the Kane Chronicles and yes I finally finished the first book of the series at the beginning of January and am now able to read the next one but I still have so many books waiting for me and I'm a slow reader and ugh anyways I enjoy it so far!
Last are the double nail polishes by essence from the circus circus limited edition. I bought the black one first and fell in love with it the first time I tried it. Pink and Red followed but we are still searching for the last colour, I don't think we will be able to find it because it's at least two month old but maybe by luck we will stumble over it sometime around? Don't know anyways I love them. I found some pictures of some of my older nail arts and am collecting them right now to make a post with some of them sometime around.
B.A.P's album would be there as well but I will include it in my February picture and maybe talk about them in a seperate post as well because they are awesome and everyone should love them, even though I get the feeling everyone already does. Anyways yes but since the album is still being send to us it can't be here right now.
On another note! Lyza and I just ordered at Gmarket for the first time! This is soooo exciting! I will of course tell you about it once the things have been send and when they arrive here. We plan on meeting up with one of Lyza's friends who ordered along us when the package is here and I think I will take lotsa photos from the unpacking and everything. God I can't tell how exciting this is!
That's it for now. My last post this month and I wish you a happy and long (hehe pun intended) Febuary!
Of course it will not show everything like expierences or my love or anything but some physical things and I will tell you about my emotions bound to it :D Okay this sounds kind of outer space but anyways! Here is the picture!
Starting from the top left. Doctor Who DVD Box containing Series 1-4 of the newer episodes. This serously is a good thing to show for January because we (aka my family, Lyza and I) managed to watch the first three series until today. Gosh. You know I knew this show exsisted and everything but I never thought I would get this hooked this fast! I watched Torchwood before and I mean how can you not love Captain Jack Harkness okay? Yes anyways I LOVE IT we all do and oh god I could talk about it all the time :D
My new Dockers shoes! I feel so hipster when I wear them but you know I've been eyeing them since uhm ... Block B wore them lol. Anyways I found them for a reasonable price and I've been really happy with them so far cause they are really warm as well!
Cute korean food with red bean paste. I LOVE RED BEAN PASTE. Lyza hates it but I really really like it *3*
Lyza's camera so it's not exactly mine but her camera is my camera XD Since we finally started our project at the end of January this has been really important to me as well as learning to cut videos so they look at least okay :D I'm still learning but I'm having fun!
My 2011 scrapbook now 2012 scrapbook :D I already watched 13 movies so far this year and I'm trying to do the 100 movies and 20 books challenge this year again, maybe I will post about my scrapbook in an extra post.
My new Calendar from Cookie Shop! The girl from Cookie Shop is by far my favourite character next to Anne with the red hair and my litte friend :3 cute Korean stationairy is just to die for and yes this calendar makes me really really happy even though I'm a lazy person I try to use it as much as possible. Do some of you also have the problem that they hog cute stickers but never use them because of the fear that you will miss them once you put them onto something?
Throne of fire, second book of the Kane Chronicles and yes I finally finished the first book of the series at the beginning of January and am now able to read the next one but I still have so many books waiting for me and I'm a slow reader and ugh anyways I enjoy it so far!
Last are the double nail polishes by essence from the circus circus limited edition. I bought the black one first and fell in love with it the first time I tried it. Pink and Red followed but we are still searching for the last colour, I don't think we will be able to find it because it's at least two month old but maybe by luck we will stumble over it sometime around? Don't know anyways I love them. I found some pictures of some of my older nail arts and am collecting them right now to make a post with some of them sometime around.
B.A.P's album would be there as well but I will include it in my February picture and maybe talk about them in a seperate post as well because they are awesome and everyone should love them, even though I get the feeling everyone already does. Anyways yes but since the album is still being send to us it can't be here right now.
On another note! Lyza and I just ordered at Gmarket for the first time! This is soooo exciting! I will of course tell you about it once the things have been send and when they arrive here. We plan on meeting up with one of Lyza's friends who ordered along us when the package is here and I think I will take lotsa photos from the unpacking and everything. God I can't tell how exciting this is!
That's it for now. My last post this month and I wish you a happy and long (hehe pun intended) Febuary!
Meron Satang
Okay finally Lyza and I got around realizing our K-Pop project :D First of all we are still heavily under construction, to start with technical stuff we still need a tripod and some more light in my room (because I live in a cave with torches, no but seriously my room is really dark) But even though we still lack much we finally started.
You can find us on many plattforms:
Blogspot (even though it's not updated yet, I already have trouble maintaining one blog so I think we will use it to post photos we took or something like that)
If you have any suggestions, or something you think we should/could talk about just leave me a comment here or on any of those sides up there :D I would really be happy to see some of my readers around if you're interested in Kpop of course :3
So here are the videos. Lyza talks about the whole project so my video is way shorter than hers ~
I still have at least three other posts on my list that I will update sooner or later so stay tuned :D
You can find us on many plattforms:
Blogspot (even though it's not updated yet, I already have trouble maintaining one blog so I think we will use it to post photos we took or something like that)
If you have any suggestions, or something you think we should/could talk about just leave me a comment here or on any of those sides up there :D I would really be happy to see some of my readers around if you're interested in Kpop of course :3
So here are the videos. Lyza talks about the whole project so my video is way shorter than hers ~
I still have at least three other posts on my list that I will update sooner or later so stay tuned :D
meron satang,
Belated Halloween Party
I think I mentioned before that I went to a belated halloween party to Van's place right after Chirstmas and before driving to Lyza the day after. I finally got around to look though the pictures but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post photos of the others so I don't :/ but my outfit was nice I think and Van's make up was THE SHIT. :D
First of all my make up. I really wasn't sure what to wear or anything. I contemplated something Vampire like and stuck to that. Also the toy bat is called VLAD it's from Fortune Pork I think.

I once again forgot to ask someone to take a good photo of my outfit. I really need a tripod if I continue to take photos of myself. Anyways. I wore my self made black skirt and altered H&M blouse with a Primark belt and H&M shoes. The head bow is kind of improvised from some sheer fabric I got as a wrapping for one of my Christmas presents.

Now for Van she looked awesome but disgusting at the same time :D

Okay that's it ~ We also went to Dusseldorf yesterday and I think took some pictures, I will post them eventually. Also Noraebang was awesome even though we did't get service this time.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Love Maren
First of all my make up. I really wasn't sure what to wear or anything. I contemplated something Vampire like and stuck to that. Also the toy bat is called VLAD it's from Fortune Pork I think.
I once again forgot to ask someone to take a good photo of my outfit. I really need a tripod if I continue to take photos of myself. Anyways. I wore my self made black skirt and altered H&M blouse with a Primark belt and H&M shoes. The head bow is kind of improvised from some sheer fabric I got as a wrapping for one of my Christmas presents.
Now for Van she looked awesome but disgusting at the same time :D
Okay that's it ~ We also went to Dusseldorf yesterday and I think took some pictures, I will post them eventually. Also Noraebang was awesome even though we did't get service this time.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Love Maren
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