Of course it will not show everything like expierences or my love or anything but some physical things and I will tell you about my emotions bound to it :D Okay this sounds kind of outer space but anyways! Here is the picture!
Starting from the top left. Doctor Who DVD Box containing Series 1-4 of the newer episodes. This serously is a good thing to show for January because we (aka my family, Lyza and I) managed to watch the first three series until today. Gosh. You know I knew this show exsisted and everything but I never thought I would get this hooked this fast! I watched Torchwood before and I mean how can you not love Captain Jack Harkness okay? Yes anyways I LOVE IT we all do and oh god I could talk about it all the time :D
My new Dockers shoes! I feel so hipster when I wear them but you know I've been eyeing them since uhm ... Block B wore them lol. Anyways I found them for a reasonable price and I've been really happy with them so far cause they are really warm as well!
Cute korean food with red bean paste. I LOVE RED BEAN PASTE. Lyza hates it but I really really like it *3*
Lyza's camera so it's not exactly mine but her camera is my camera XD Since we finally started our project at the end of January this has been really important to me as well as learning to cut videos so they look at least okay :D I'm still learning but I'm having fun!
My 2011 scrapbook now 2012 scrapbook :D I already watched 13 movies so far this year and I'm trying to do the 100 movies and 20 books challenge this year again, maybe I will post about my scrapbook in an extra post.
My new Calendar from Cookie Shop! The girl from Cookie Shop is by far my favourite character next to Anne with the red hair and my litte friend :3 cute Korean stationairy is just to die for and yes this calendar makes me really really happy even though I'm a lazy person I try to use it as much as possible. Do some of you also have the problem that they hog cute stickers but never use them because of the fear that you will miss them once you put them onto something?
Throne of fire, second book of the Kane Chronicles and yes I finally finished the first book of the series at the beginning of January and am now able to read the next one but I still have so many books waiting for me and I'm a slow reader and ugh anyways I enjoy it so far!
Last are the double nail polishes by essence from the circus circus limited edition. I bought the black one first and fell in love with it the first time I tried it. Pink and Red followed but we are still searching for the last colour, I don't think we will be able to find it because it's at least two month old but maybe by luck we will stumble over it sometime around? Don't know anyways I love them. I found some pictures of some of my older nail arts and am collecting them right now to make a post with some of them sometime around.
B.A.P's album would be there as well but I will include it in my February picture and maybe talk about them in a seperate post as well because they are awesome and everyone should love them, even though I get the feeling everyone already does. Anyways yes but since the album is still being send to us it can't be here right now.
On another note! Lyza and I just ordered at Gmarket for the first time! This is soooo exciting! I will of course tell you about it once the things have been send and when they arrive here. We plan on meeting up with one of Lyza's friends who ordered along us when the package is here and I think I will take lotsa photos from the unpacking and everything. God I can't tell how exciting this is!
That's it for now. My last post this month and I wish you a happy and long (hehe pun intended) Febuary!
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