Hey everyone! After posting the picture of our complete haul a while back I now finished the complete review. However I will not show you everything we got, since three people were involved in this order but just the things I got for myself. If you want to see what Greta and Lyza got for themselves you can either read it at
this Blogpost or watch
the video we took, but that shows only the things Lyza and I got. You may also be interested in the
second video we recorded where we talk about ordering and recieving from Gmarket in general.
Okay so if you want to know how to order at Gmarket you will be able to find lots of How To's online, if not and you think I am the right person to ask, just do it. Or leave a comment under the video, through this it will reach me as fast as possible. Another thing that may come handy is being able to read Hangul/Korean Characters. You don't have to be fluent or something it will already help you to google Hangul Chart then you should be able to translate most of the things written on Gmarket, Google Trans helps as well, even I use it.
Last but not least: If you live in the European Nation and buy something from Korea which was also 'Made in Korea' you don't have to pay anything but 19% (even they want to tell you something else) at customs. That's because Korea is a preferance country.
Now our fist time ordering went really good. We placed two orders and combined shipping on the 30th&31th of January. It took some time to get the goods to Gmarket because two items were only being released on the 1&2nd the longest time however took a bag we wanted to cancel because the seller didn't ship it out until the 3rd. We contacted Gmarket but it still took some time for them to cancel the item.
So everything was brought to the airport on the 6th and arrived in my hometown on the 10th where it got stuck at customs still the 14th which was the day we finally were able to pick it up after some really stressful days with the local customs but we already talked about that everywhere else.
Yes I know all that talk for not even that many items but I hope you enjoy it anyways so let's start with the pictures :D

This is everything we got once again, I know you know the picture but this time it's bigger.

These are all the cosmetics we got, I however only got a set from
Tony Moly and two nailpolishes from

These are the nailpolishes the violet one is called LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails Shimmering #2 Lavender Purple and the green one is Petite Darling Nails GR607 Sandgreen. I adore both of them highly and used them both already. I will post photos of them used in a while.

And this is the Tangerine Handcreme, Mini Lip Balm Berry and Mini Lip Tint Set. The handcreme smells heavenly and will be a good replacement once I finish my Bodyshop Almond one. The Berry Balm is really lovely as well and gives your lips a nice shimmer. I was really excited for the first tint I ever bought and am not dissapointed. It's really small but I think it will take a while until I use it up anyways.

Sationary we got :D

Lyza and I got some stickers. She bought herself two really cute packs of Anne Travel Stickers one for only Korea and it's regions and one for Europe. I got a set with three sheets from My little Friend. They are really cute and I can't wait to use some of them in my calender.

Greta got herself these really cute Notebooks and I decided to go along and got myself the dark green one (matching to the nailpolish from Etude I bought :3) It's kind of small but has 208 Pages! I'm really looking forward to use it soon!
Now we come to the reason we ordered in first place I think! Kpop!

This picture is missing the heap of socks Lyza and I ordered but I'm going to show them to you later :D

B.A.P is a band who just recently debuted but we are already crazily in love with them so of couse we had to get it right when it came out :3 We also got the posters with this Album but forgot to take pictures of them. I will also contribute it when I post longer reviews about certain items. However these boys are a must hear. Next to their title song Warrior there is a song called Unbreakable on their album.
Do me a favour and listen to it once!
I just realized I got quite a big bunch of Kpop Albums :D I already own the first album from B1A4 and I have to say, Music wise, I like it better than this album. But! This one comes with a 100 page photobook which is really pretty and was the sole reason why I bought it to be honest.

Infinite's First Invasion is the last album that was missing from a whole collection of Infinite (minus the Japanese singles because these are so freaking expensive D:). This album has both She's Back and Dashi Dorawa on it and is really cute to look at to see how much the boys have grown since their debut.

Okay I went a bit crazy and got myself T-Ara's John Travolta Wannabe and Funky Town Albums. They were really cheap and I enjoyed both songs Roly Poly and Lovey Dovey so much that I saw a reason to get them. Even though this buy was really impulsiv I find myself enjoying these two albums nearly the most. FT has photos from the girls taken so that they look as if they are a bunch, of really good styled, girls out having fun at a club and as if they are really good friends. JTW is even more awesome because the photos are taken to look as if they are from a while back with the girls wearing longer skirts and stuff I really really love this album!

This is a picture from all the CDs we got again but I really liked how it turned out so I'm going to show you.

Lastly Lyza and I got a bunch of Kpop socks :D We really enjoy wearing couple socks XD One of our fave pairs we have is eonni/the childreneater try guessing who we are talking about! Just to clear up if you don't recognize someone: CN Blue (twice top left and bottom right) Jonghoon from FT Island and Jang Geunsuk as well as Shinee.
Okay that was my haul for our first Gmarket order. I don't really want to say but I think I have to: we are already planning our second order but that's just because my birthday is in March and I decided I wanted to get some things from Gmarket. This time the whole order will be smaller though (but more stuff for me anyways I think XD) So stay tuned for that as well!
PS. If you have any questions, like links to where I bought something, more detailed reviews, anything, like I said write me here or just comment on one of Meron Satang's
videos or our
offical facebook page.