So I got the Bodyline skirt in yellow I LOVE IT IN THAT COLOR and the Harry Potter Cluedo which looks really fun but I need to play it for the first time, maybe when we get back from Hamburg. Got three DVDs Scott Pilgrim from Van sooo awesome thank you again! *3* and Inception and Jeux d'enfants from my parents. Throne of Fire aka the second book of the Kane Chronicles (currently reading the first one so I think this will be my first read in 2012) and these cute Cookyshop planner, deskcalender and notebook plus stickers I can't wait to start using it *3*
However this wasn't what I really wanted to talk about! Nooo ~
What I wanted to talk about was an idea Lyza and I were playing around with in our heads for quite some time and now decided to make it come true :D Our own Kpop Vlogs well of course we haven't settled anything yet but we already have a name, Vandoe is being kind and helping us make a sign as well.
As much as I can tell you by now we will have weekly news reviews, monthly rankings and tutorials :D I am sooo looking forward to this! Of course I will keep you updated about everything that happens. I hope we will post our first videos at the beginning of january but we all know how fastly things get in the way.
I think that's what I wanted to talk about. I'm getting ready for a belated Halloween party of Van :D I will try to take nice pictures of my outfit because I really like it haha ~ wearing fake lashes and lolita for the first time in a long while.
Tomorrow I'm going to Hamburg to spend some time with Lyza and her family. On my way there I will try to write my last blogpost plus some fanfics oot ~
T.T I'm so sorry...I discovered that I only have the crap version of Photoshop on my laptop and it just won't work correctly and recognize my Gt...I tried but it looks like mush every time...T.T