Okay okay this is my post for the United Cube concert in London on the 5th :3 Yes I know that was a week ago but I think I needed the time to just work this through.
Oh and I will also add the talk about the airport because yes we TRIED to welcome g.na, 4Minute (minus Hyuna) and Beast (minus Hyunseung) on Sunday. It wasn’t as awesome as you would like to believe. First of all the information provided wasn’t really good so we ended up at Heathrow Airport (which is an one hour drive from Kings Cross) at about three pm because the only flight form Korean Air was supposed to land at that time at terminal 4.
With us were about ten? other fans. The flight landed and nothing happened around 1 ½ hours later we were informed that they would arrive with the Asiana flight, which was strange for us at that point but we later found out that Asiana was one of the major sponsors of the United Cube concert so go figure. In a hurry we ran to terminal one just to find it already CROWDED.

It was kind of cute and in a later statement the Cube management stated that they didn’t expect so many people to show up and wait for their idols. But anyways that was the only cute thing. I think we still waited for about an hour after we arrived until something happened. First the Prepix people, their background dancers, came out taking a short cut after them g.na was led out of the building and people started realizing that they weren’t taking the long route but the short one and when finally 4Minute came out and took the same route as well people started running towards the short cut to get nearer to the idols.
When Beast came out everything was lost I know that all I wanted to do was get out of the crowd and suddenly I was kind of standing right inside Junhyung but until I registered that it was actually him he was already a few meters away again. First of all for all us ‘tall’ fans don’t worry I’m somewhere between 1.75 and 1.78 cm and we were about the same size so yay they are no oompa loompa oppas XD Lyza took some random shots and actually managed to take a photo of two 4Minute girls (please don’t ask me for their names I don’t know them I will explain later) and one photo form Doojoon, Kikwang and Junhyung :D.

So after we spend about four hours at the airport to see them for about two minutes we were let me say frustrated. In the end we decided to not do something like this again, except maybe for Infinite, but shush! Hyunseung and Hyuna were scheduled to arrive the next morning around 11 but since we didn’t get any more information we decided to just enjoy the morning before going to the concert.
That’s the whole airport story so maybe greeting your idols in Korea is okay because the airport security there knows how to handle the fans but not in a foreign country because at least Cube blamed the security for their failure.

After our stroll on Oxford street we went back to the hostel, got dressed, put on some makeup and left for Brixton again. We arrived at the hall finding an okay long line and started waiting, I think it was about two pm maybe a little bit later. While waiting we met two really nice girls from Finland and one cutie London girl. Spazzing about K-Pop with them made waiting easier especially as it got colder the later it got.

While waiting we were also entertained by a really cute photographer we had already seen a day earlier at the airport, I’m pretty sure he was somehow their professional photographer because at the end of the concert he also made photos from the fans standing on the stage. We also saw some Prepix dancers again AND Beasts manager! He’s so pretty but we were too shy to talk to him :/
One really positive fact about this concert was that they were really on time. Entry was scheduled at 5.30 and it really was as well as the concert started at 7.30. The location was really awesome as well and through the concert they provided drinks for the first two rows so no one fainted because of dehydration, apparently some people did non the less but well, they also had a way of getting new, fresh air into the building which was so awesome.
Before the concert started you could buy merch at a booth in the hall but they only had like four CDs and four posters so we didn’t get anything :/ we thought they would have more stuff like SM Town, towels, a bag, fans? Anyways we got quite a good right in the middle about sixth row I would say. On a big screen were running six music videos from the artists. G.na’s Black and White, Top Girl; 4Minute’s Hear to Heart, Mirror Mirror; Beast’s Fiction, Beautiful. With advertisements between each video for Seoul, Asiana, some online Shoemall, Soompi and Cube auditions. Lyza and I decided to become MCs because for everything else we’re not thin enough and I think too old as well :/
Okay back on topic. The concert started, like SM Town, I am sorry for comparing these two but well I can’t help it, with a video trailer I liked this one better than the SM one though and the crowd went wild.

Lyza and I were pretty sure g.na would open the concert but first on stage where the female Prepix members / other female background dancers with some vests with light elements it was so cool and artsy after that the girls from 4 Minute came on stage in some white outfits and here I come to the wonders of wonderbras because the girls were so delicate and small but their bodies were still so defined XD Anyways they started and performed Hot Issue, I My Me Mine and Heart to Heart before their ment.

It was so cute with them trying to speak English, they also brought a translator which was really good because that made sure their fans could understand them. Somewhere while one of them was talking, now I’m coming back to the problem I talked about earlier, because I can’t name 4Minute. I’ve watched some shows with them and I never really liked them :/ Don’t get me wrong I’m not an I hate every girlband person but I never really fell for 4Minute. I normally hate it when only one member gets all the love and this happens with Hyuna all the time and I know Junhyung held this status as well for some time but to my defense I have to say that I didn’t like him that much at the time as well.
Anyways I went to the concert without really liking them BUT I fell for them right at their first song because they sang really well. Oh and once again I love their music I even own one of their albums because they make fast music and as everyone knows I am an avid disliker of ballads so yeah I liked their music but was pretty indifferent about the girl :D. And their songs just made fun to sing along. It also helped that the only songs they performed I had seen before in some way.
Next was Bubble Pop and I mean everyone has his own opinion on Hyuna and her song mine … isn’t the best. Out of so many reasons but she performed it well and well yeah. Next was an AWESOME performance of Prepix shuffeling to the Party Rock Anthem and dang they dance so well and are really hot as well! Perfection. After that they changed their outfits to some aluminium sausage outfits (please don’t hate me but this is some kind of insider joke from Lyza and me and you have to be honest and say it looks like this XD)

The girls then performed Huh, I think that’s my fave song of them. After them two of them, their rapper and main vocalist I think :D?, did Ke$ha’s Blow if you don’t know the song click
here and they were so HOT doing this so for a fancam click
here ~
After this they did one more ment getting the audience to sing the refrain from Mirror Mirror with them, seriously they were so adorable! Of couse after that they performed the whole song finishing with Music.

Next up was g.na and the first thing I need to get off my chest is that she’s horrible thin D: poor girl please wat more. Also she wore this awesome dress and a jacket over it, after some time she shed the jacket and oh god the dress was only covering like … the most important parts anyways it was really hot XD back to the important stuff.
She started with Black and White and then performed I’ll back off so you can live better in English which was a big surprise :D Of course her ment was completely in English and she was a darling, that reminds me, she was also really cute at the airport someone shouted her name and she turned around waving and while we were waiting outside the hall she looked outside of one of the windows waving at everyone.

After her ment she got a chair and sang Take a Bow and Rude Boy from Rihanna which was really sweet as well because that song and the Ke$ha one were performed because we were an English speaking audience. After that she sang
Super Solo I never heard before but you need to check it out next to
Banana, which was the next song after that, it’s my new favorite song! Click on the song names to check out both songs they are worth it. She ended with Top Girl making her performance really short but really awesome anyways.
To end this on something you may have read as well I heard many people say that the audience, say B2uties, was really mean towards the girls but I didn’t really see that, It could have been because of the male, TALL, 4Minute fan in front of us but I know I cheered and sang every song even though I didn’t know the lyrics, Lyza is my prove.

Now let’s get to the band we all wanted to see I think. Beast. Okay if this gets too negative I want to apologize in advance. Seriously it was a dream of mine to see them live since I fell for them shortly after their debut. They started with Shock, Soom, Oasis and Bad Girl. I really can’t remember much of their performances and it makes me really sad but somehow all the songs blurred into each other and the fans around us got even louder and maybe I was just having my personal low but I was really meh.

After that they had a short ment with Dongwoon trying to speak English but I couldn’t understand a word because everyone just continued screming. After that they performed Special, Beautiful and You. I remember that during you they pointed at the fans and the fans pointed back at them. I also know that they let their fans sing some of their choruses alone and that was an awesome feeling.

Then they showed a video of the way they came with English captions from their trainee days to their first performance and man I got so teary because I’ve been there from the beginning and it was just awesome to see how much they grew and are still growing.

Trouble Maker was next and oh my god I really wasn’t sure about the MAMA performance of them I mean Lyza’s fave is Hyunseung and guh Hyuna once again but it was really really gorgeous to see them. Seungie is such a good dancer even though he somehow stayed in his own world through the whole evening. But his body was so hot and I LOVE his TM outfit it looks so SOFT.

Hyunseung changed his clothes again fastly and they performed the unplugged version of lightless as well as on rainy days, fiction, VIU. Their last song was freeze which was totally unchoreographed and the boys just ran around stage interacting with each other and the fans. There was this project where someone brought a big UK flag and outside while still waiting we and many other fans signed it.

The last song was sung by the whole United cube called Fly High I think I don’t have my notes handy. Lol. And thus the concert ended. Now I have still some things I want to address. First the negative things: I was really mad at Junhyung not taking off his sunglasses, inside the hall aka a closed room without any SUNLIGHT, because I would have liked to see oppas eyes at least once. Second Hyunseung was bursting with confidence, always dancing his own style things which was adorable in the beginning but got kind of boring and weird after some time. The over all sound quality wasn’t that good and you were quite able to hear every note the boys didn’t catch. Yoseob was sick and sadly you were able to hear that as well I hope he gets better fastly.

But now the things that made my fan girl heart beat WAY faster. First of all Lyzas camera seems only to be able to take decent pictures from Junhyung lol I liked it that way though. So I will start with him. We were able to see his tattoo and somehow this made it even more real I mean his tattoo! He was so close and also all the boys (except Yoseob) were wearing these HOT leather pants and oh my god I was a really happy girl :3. To talk about Doojoon once more he is so awesome but he looked like a middle aged Korean not in a bad way but it still was adorable.

If you reached this point congrats! And I will link you to the
Omona They Didn’t post with all the fancams of the evening some aren’t that good so maybe you need to check YouTube for better quality ones but well :D
That's it for now I apologize for the low quality of some of the pictures but you try taking better ones next time :/ okay well I'm not sure what more to say so I will just leave it like it is.