But first I need you to watch this! It's been a really long time since I fangirled so hard of super junior but this is so PRECIOUS! I could die!
Let's start with my long promised plans and fabrics for Lyzas and my wa-loli outfits for the Japanday in ... less than 2o days!
These are the concepets for the Kimonos and the underskirts (which are nearly finished already!)
And these are the fabric combinations I'm going to use. Also I made a registration post at sew_loli today I am so proud!
Next thing to post photos about is sunday and the fabric market in Essen!
These are the other fabrics I bought next to the unicolored ones already photographed with the kimono fabrics
This is what I wore I loved it but sadly it was too warm ;_;
These are random pretty thing I took photos of I feel so artsy ~*
Last but not least is today I met up with van and we went to Dortmund to once again check out the mall they build and I once again wore an awesome lolita coord and took a lot of photos
First of all my outfit!
Now the other pics of stores (especially Kiko :3 I love their displays)
I think that's it for now but maybe I will post tomorrow again? I don't know!
Need to go to bed now!
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