Anyways I finished the underskirts (plus one I finished and then decided not to use but let's not talk about that) and today I started on the Kimonotop which was easier than I thought! Without further talking I give you the pics!
This is how far I've gotten next thing I have to do is add the ruffles :3
As you know I already wore the black and the beige one :3 still need to find something to match the green one but I am positive that this will happen next week or this weekend.
Right now Lyza and I have decided to watch one Music Monday Video from Eatyourkimchi each day and oh god if you are into Kpop and never watched anything by them do it. I love their humor.
Also after I told you to watch Super Junior video (which I still love SO MUCH) I felt bad for not reccing Infinite's Paradise. I love the video but the song isn't as catchy as Be Mine but still please give them as much love as you can.
Anything else? Yes I thought about reccing other stuff here that I find awesome would you like that? And the Nanowrimo is coming up (well yes it is still a whole month until it really happens but time likes to fly) and today I found my idea for what I will write this year :D I'm still working on some details but I will tell you when I figured it out!
That's all for now I think :3