But where do I start now :/ I think in the time between when I posted last and we got going at Thursday evenenig nothing much happened. Exept I got totally hyper and finished our fansings (But I will put these in an extra post ~)
So Thursday was filled with packing our bags and getting eveything together like marking where we wanted to go in our free Paris plans seriously if you can get your hands on a map don’t be afraid to draw on it it’s way easier than printing out every information and then loosing the sheets D:
We ate dinner quite late so we would stay full for the drive to Paris and at about 9.30pm my mom drove us to the Dortmund Trainstation. However when we arrived the place where we were supposed to be starting was deserted we waited for quite some time but nothing happend it was then when we checked our tickets again and it said that the bus terminated at 8.30 … we were one hour to late.
There are not that many ways to get to Paris from here and everything is more expensive than to take the bus but in the end we bit the sour apple and took the train. We had to change three times and it took us ten hours in total to get to gare de l’est.
The most horrible part was that we had to stay in Cologne from 1 am till 4 am and since we couldn’t really sleep these awesome pictures happened.
Seriously I want to visit this store again when it’s open it has so much Hello Kitty stuff and it kills me! The Kuromi Bentobox is so lovely and CHEAP!
So this is like THE monument in Cologne and it’s just outside the train station I’m sorry for the horrible quality but I only brought the small cheap camera from my mom D:
This is one of the coolest advertisements I’ve ever seen these are the packages from chocolate in different tastes that was so awesome! Sadly we were in quite a rush when I was taking it because we needed to get to the train but we got chatted up by a guy in spanish who wanted to hit on me and I was like dude it’s 4am and I look gross please gtfo D: Lyza was awesome telling him off with saying actually that’s my girlfriend.
From the last change everything went smoothly and we drove 4 hours to Paris. In total I think we slept for 2 hours that night.
When we arrived in Paris Wesley was already waiting for us, I’m still really sorry that he had to wait alone for 4 hours TT___TT
However after sitting around at the Trainstation for a while we decided to go to the hotel even though it was still too early to check in but in the end they gave us our room earlier and instead of taking two like we thought we would have to we shared one!
We went into the room which was not awesome but really near to the concert location, clean and big enough to fit all our stuff inside so if you need somewhere to stay when you in Paris go to the Etap hotel (I believe it’s a line and you can find them in every bigger city) It’s not as cheap as a hostel but we had a shower in our room which was awesome!
So we got ready in about 1 ½ hours which is quite fast I think considering we all showered and I had to blow dry my hair which is by now a huge mess!
Oh I nearly forgot! I dyed my hair! It took a total of 3 bleaching packs and a brown hair dye and I think I got my first migrane from all the tucking on my hair and the smell anyways I love the outcome and I will keep this hair color for quite some time I think. What do you think?
So because I want to at least share one picture of the group were were with you here’s a picture Wesley took for FB. These are our awesome Concert clothes and makeup!
Here I skip to the next day because everything we did for the rest of the day was Concert related anyways I will show you what I bought at the merchandise booth! But later as well :3
So on Saturday the alarm clock woke us at 9.30 and we all felt like dying because we returned at about 1 am to the hotel anyways we showered and packed up and left the hotel at about 11. Which is once again quite fast I think!
We had planned to go to a Kpop Store in China town and I really wanted go see the Angelic Pretty Shop in Paris. After thinking about it we chose to go to the Kpop store first and that was a good decision!
However before we went to Chinatown we spotted a McDonalds and realized we hadn’t eaten anything besides some snacks on friday D:! I can’t even imagine on how my adrinaline we have been to survive the day and concert without anything in our stomachs.
So we stopped and ate our breakfast … Chicken McNuggets and fries plus orange juice healthy food for sure!
After that we finally went to China town and after asking some nice girls (I think they were only that nice because Wesley is this goodlooking XD) Now this is why it was a good thing we went there first it was about 12 or 1 and the place was already crowded!
The shop is called Tai You here’s there website http://www.taiyou.fr/ If you ever go to Paris and like Kpop I suggest you go there because they have awesome stuff I wanted to take more pics but I wasn’t sure it was allowed and also it just got too full to take pics anyways it was like being in heaven! I will show you what I bought at the end of the post with everything else ~
If you are there you should really check out the .. well I don’t know the name of it the only thing I can read is Musica but it’s across from the bubble tea shop they have the bigger glow sticks and member individual cellphone charms *3*
If you want to go there you have to know these two stores are located inside a mall thing Tai You is advertised on the outside of it and if you enter the mall you can drive up an escalator you have to go to the end of the way then turn right and you should already see the red sign of the Tai You : D I hope this was helpful ~
I won’t tell you how long we stayed there but after that we drove to the Rue Keller to go to the Angelic Pretty shop. We already searched for it the last time we visited Paris but didn’t find it this time we did some more research and it’s actually inside another shop called Boddywood here is their blog http://angelicprettyparis.blogspot.com/ The thing I would do is look for the shop window with the pink Angelic Pretty frame that was how I found it easly after I entered the street.
Please if you need more information on how to get there or to the Kpop stuff write me an email! I will try to help you as good as I can ~
You see the Holy Night Story Skirt? The JSK of this series is my dream dress I would kill for it seriously and I was like dying over it with Lyza and Wesley next to me just shaking their heads and pretending they didn’t know me *~* But girl it was so pretty! And the red was really really lovely and ahh!
The shop was quite small but stuffed with awesome things! It started with Vivienne Westwood jewelery, shoes and bags most of the stuff was even reduced but sadly it was still too expensive for me to get after spending my money on SM Town and a train ride that wasn’t planned D: They also had Spank stuff and the cutes pair of Tea Party shoes just in the right shade of color to fill me with want and need to obtain them one day! And then I found the Angelic Pretty dresses and they were so lovely! And cute and just everything. *3* I could have stayed there all day!
The only thing that struck me quite wrong was the sales assistant she just stood in the back of the shop her arms crossed and looking quite nasty. I mean yes we were in Paris and talked english and I wasn’t wearing Lolita because I was about to drive 7 hours in a bus later that day and all I wanted to do was feel comfortable but I was still a potential buyer. Well I don’t want to work myself up on that just wanted to mention it.
They were advertizing the second Lolita Convention and I would totally love to go sadly it’s Lyza’s birthday on the 4th and that’s the reason I can’t go but if you live somewhere near France maybe you should go! I can tell you taking the bus is a easy and cheap way to get to Paris just make sure you don’t miss it X3
After our visit we just strolled around the rue Keller some more they have like really cool stuff a shop that sells lot’s of Manga Figurines and some Hip Hop shops this is where we found these awesome head phones!
I would kill for the ones on the far left PASTELS!
Also these poles were really cool as well there were even more but these were the ones I took pictures off
Last but not least we still had like four hours to spend and decided to go to the Disney store! Ahh I love those stores even though they are quite expensive. To get to the on in Paris you just have to drive to the station Franklin D. Roosevelt and when you leave the Metro voi la it’s right in front of you!
Sadly they had nothing I really needed but oh my god I found these and wanted to squeal! (I think I actually did) because that’s so awesome I would love to own all of them and the Buzz Light Year can say 28 phrases!
when I took the picture of Barbie and Ken a child wanted to grab it but she saw that I was taking the pic and she waited that was so cute!
They also had rubbers of the aliens in a spaceship box that was darling as well maybe I should have gotten those :/
One day I promise I will go to Disney Land! I want to go so badly and there were so many ads for it TT____TT
For the rest of our time we were to tired to do something and just ate dinner at McDonalds (yes you got that right we ate at McDonalds twice) If you ever want a coffe or something like this but don’t trust your french skills enough for a real bakery go to the McCafe they have way more awesome stuff than they do in Germany they even have Macarons! I was so flashed and wanted to try everything but sadly we had to leave right about then.
We were not sure where the next Metro Station was so I finally trusted my not exsisting french skills again and asked some guy I think it came out quite good sadly I didn’t understand his answer XD but we found it in the end and this is where the only touristy picture happened.
There you have the Arc de Triomphe ~
From there on it was quite hectic but we made it in the end and got the last two seats next to each other. Sadly we weren’t able to sleep well on the bus I’m not sure but it shook really much and I sometimes get like carsickness D: But Lyza was kind enough to stay awake with me.
At 6am we arrived back in Dormund and at 8am we were at my home where we just left a note for my parents and fell into bed to sleep till 2pm :3
And now the best part of this entry! The stuff I bought ~
First of all the fans we bought at the SM Town Merch booth ~ Mine are Taemin, Kyuhyun and Sunny :3
The two small things I bought are a Taemin bracelet and a beast cellphone charm I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Also notice my awsome cellphone bg XD
Two small pics I bought we bought a pack of five with Lyza getting 3 and me getting the other two ~ jai for more Sunny!
There was this offer to buy two fans and get the third one for free ~ So I got a Shinee one (I’m so obsessing about them right now. Taemin *3*), an OLD SUJU ONE with Kibum! and Lyza got one of her new favourite group CN Blue!
Also what do you think they are doing in this pic? Because we had really much fun thinking about this and ended with the idea that this would be what happened on July 18th when Taemin finally becomes a MAN
They also sold Posters for two euros and I just couldn’t ignore that offer! I loved Beasts Soom concept *3* And I think Hello is my favourite Shinee song and I really liked that they all wore leopard! Last but not least am I crazy for all of SNSDs Hoot and Oh! Shoots so I had to get this and even though I didn’t like the RDR shoot and concept I really love how bamf Sunny looks on the card I showed earlier!
Most expensive thing but so worth it I’m madly in love with Infinite they are so cutie!
Also because I didn’t show it in my other entry the Beast Poster that came with the album its big and gorgeous!
Tomorrow I will post the AWESOME fansings I’m really proud of them!
Now I will go to bed ~
Love Maren
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