I've joined an RP on tumblr and one of the other players is dreaming to become a photographer and she more or less made me want to make a photo tumblr as well. I really think about that because I would like to have a place to put all my photos up and sometimes I get the feeling I post to many photos here. So I am really playing with the thought. If I make one I will tell you of course!
I also want to get back in the hang of sewing and try to work it into my schedule. Seriously I just realized how much I want to tell everyone! So Lyza and I got ourselves Just Dance 1 and 2 because we read everywhere that it's awesome for loosing weight and we did it before going to Hamburg and it was really good but after I came home again I got really sick, like really really I still am actually, so we had to push back further work out. But by the beginning of next week I am pretty sure we will pick it up again.
We also have another PACKED weekend in front of us but I really enjoy going out and doing stuff I have to say. Because I feel when I only spend time in front of the PC I miss something. I don't know.
Well that's it for now I think ... At least with block text. But I also came around and at least cropped the two pictures I took from my birthday presents. So I will just show them to you!
Yes I am finally the proud owner of my own dress form! I am so happy and she is so pretty in purple *3*
And here is a closeup of the other things. Let me list them for you.
.Skins Season 1-5 (OMG I so can't wait to watch these, did you watch Skins, and love it as much as I do? If you didn't watch it yet you def should!)
.A grey pullover from our second Gmarket order (I am really in love with that one as well because it's so comfy!)
.Beast Airline Concert DVD (ahh I think I whined about that one everywhere but here, I am still very very happy to own it but our DVD player has the wrong region code so we can only watch it on Lyza's laptop and that frustrates me highly)
.Sunny Hill's The Grasshoppers Album, F(x)'s Pinocchio Album and Block B's Narina Album (ahh I love all three of these so much I love the music and the design especially for the F(x) one because it has a THICK photobook!)
.Toys (namely a unicorn plush, a lalaloopsy which is so adorable with the little elephant, Lyza recently bought a boy to match her, I took photos of them as well heh, and the MLP turtle, you can't imagine how long I've been searching for it! You really can't because it was 5 years)
.Cosmetics (two pink brushes, two nail polishes, nail stickers and the set of three hand creams from the body shop)
.I also got a book with pre printed lists from my mom because I love lists and a really cute pen from Lyza :3
.With the dress form I got a gift certificate for a sewing magazine so I really need to sew again
.Lastly I got money
Okay that's it. I once again got so much! And am still really happy with everything :D
I will leave now to enjoy the day but I really look forward to post again some time soon with some more photos because they are piling on my pc and I think I will get myself a few usb-sticks to put stuff on from my pc to have it in one place and away from my desktop, see I am a desktop messie.